Ronald K Stoessell

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Grants (Received)

All grants were awarded to Ronald as principal investigator without co-principal investigators, unless otherwise indicated.

LEQSF/8(g) Grant (2004-2005; $39,000) "Enhancement of geochemical research and education at UNO with an updated ion chromatograph system" awarded to Ronald K. Stoessell with Enrique Reyes and James Sickman as co-principal investigators.

Sea Grant (2002-2004, $38,591) “Field test of denitrification cell using aluminum stearate."

LEQSF/8(g)Grant (2001-2002; $59,000) "Acquisition of a N Element Analyzer for Fluids and a C, H, N, S, and O Element Analyzer for Sediments at UNO for Geochemical Research and Teaching" awarded to Ronald K. with William H. Busch, Denise J. Reed, Frank R. Hall, and Shea Penland as co-principal investigators.

Lake Pontchartrain Research Foundation Grant (1997-2000; $52,745) "Reduction in nutrients from home sewage systems in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana" awarded to Ronald K. Stoessell with Dale H. Easley as co-principal investigator.

LEQSF/8(g) Grant (1995-1996, $15,037) "Enhancement of geochemical research and education at UNO with an ion chromatograph system" awarded to Ronald K. Stoessell with Matt Totten as co-principal investigator.

Amoco Grant (1991-1993; $15,000) "Experimental studies on chlorite and iron minerals."

Exxon (1991, $500), "A field study of sulfate reduction in mixing-zone fluids in Yucatan;" (1990, $500), "A field study of groundwater flow along the northeastern Yucatan Coast;" and (1989, $1,000), "A field study of mixing zone fluid chemistry in Barbados limestone rocks."

National Science Foundation Grant No. EAR-88 16249 (1989-1990; $75,000 plus $75,000 matching funds) "Acquisition of an automated powder X-ray diffraction system for geological research," awarded to Ralph Kugler with seven co-principal investigators, including Ronald K. Stoessell.

University of New Orleans (1989, one month's summer salary) "The quasi-lattice site-mixing model: The binary asymmetrical case."

Texaco (989-1990; $40,000) "Simulation of subsurface carbonate diagenesis: A two study using the Texaco open-flow experimental apparatus" awarded to William Ward and Ronald K Stoessell.

Amoco (1989-1990; $5,000) "Experimental studies of aluminum mobility under reservoir conditions.

National Science Foundation Grant No.EAR-88 15870 (1989-1991; $26,227) "Magnesite-dolomite equilibrium in fluids between 100 and 200 oC."

National Science Foundation Grant No.EAR-86 13639 (1987, $70,000 with $85,000 matching funds "Acquisition of scanning electron microscopy and microanalytical systems for geological research" awarded to Ronald K. Stoessell with six co-principal investigators.

National Science Foundation Grant No. EAR-85 19368 (1986: $20,000 with $5,000 matching funds from UNO) "Acquisition of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer system for geochemical research."

Texaco (1986-1987; $15,000) "Experimental open system studies of Al mobility."

Texaco (1985-1987; $12,000) "Experimental albitization of K feldspar."

Texaco (1983-1984; $30,000) "Experimental albitization of plagioclase."

Industry (Exxon, Amoco) (1983-1984; $12,500) "Continuation of a laboratory study of dedolomitization under reservoir conditions."

Industry (Exxon, Amoco, Mobil) (1982-1983; $15,000) "A laboratory study of dedolomitization under reservoir conditions."

AGRICO (1982; $5,000) "Sulfur dioxide solubilities."

Louisiana State Department of Natural Resources No. 1101 03017911 (1979-1980; $45,000) "Methane solubilities in brines and slurries."

Geological Society of America Research Grant No. 2104 (1976; $500) "The origin of sepiolite in Amargosa playa in Nevada."

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Geological Society of America Research Grant No. 1991 (1975; $1,200) "The origin of sepiolite in Amboseli playa in Kenya."